
Embodied Wealth - I AM

True wealth comes from inside. It is a feeling, a state of being, an alignment and harmony with your truth, your purpose/s, all parts of yourself, and your wholeness. It is knowing and embodying all you came here to be. It is living this, breathing this, being this, so that the outside world mirrors to you what you are feeling. It is leaning on and receiving the support available to you from the physical and non-physical. It is a deep knowing that you are always held from within. It is sharing your resources, whatever they may be, with others as you live from a place of overflow and abundance, contributing for the good of the whole. It is your I AM. Embodied Wealth is an invitation to connect to, remember, and claim this so that you can truly be all that you are. It includes guidance, stories, prompts, inspiration and 'The colours of wealth', which dives into 16 colours and their intuitive messages, to support you on your journey to truly embodying wealth.

Embodied Wealth - I AM is available here (Amazon affiliate link) or anywhere you buy your books online. 

Embodied Creation – cover

Embodied Creation - The sensitive's way to consciously co-create

Embodied Creation is a call to consciously co-create for the good of the whole. It is an activation and invitation to tune into Gaia, her energies, and what is calling to be created on Earth at this time. It guides you to connect with the soul, essence and life-force of your creations, and supports you to embody and ground this energy so that you can bring it into the physical, carrying out your part as a co-creator. It invites you to lean into the natural rhythms and cycles of creation, honouring the role and power of the feminine alongside the masculine, as this is where we can truly create a sustainable future. This is where we remember we are not machines, and we need to rest and replenish as well as take action, where we give back as well as receive, and where we honour endings as much as beginnings. It leans into the principles of manifestation, including visioning and magnetising. It asks you to slow down and go within, holding and healing what needs to be released and let go of, so that you can truly align with the most potent and powerful creations. As you begin to deeply create from this place, it asks you to get out of your own way and ask the question, 'Am I creating from my soul and heart, or my ego?'

Embodied Creation - The sensitive's way to consciously co-create is available here (Amazon affiliate link) or anywhere you buy your books online.

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Embodied Business - A guide to grounding and aligning your business chakras for empathpreneurs

Embodied Business is for empath entrepreneurs, to support them with grounding and aligning their businesses with the seven main chakras in the body, with the earth star and soul star as anchor points. It looks at some of the principles, blocks and issues that can come up on the entrepreneurial journey, as each can correspond to a different chakra. • Earth star chakra: nourishment, holding and support from Mother Earth. • Base chakra: grounding and business boundaries. • Sacral chakra: creativity and receiving in your business. • Solar plexus chakra: owning your worth, value and authentic power. • Heart chakra: connecting with others and sharing vulnerably. • Throat chakra: communication and expression in your business. • Third eye chakra: your business' vision and owning your spiritual gifts. • Crown chakra: taking action in alignment with your purpose. • Soul star chakra: Divine Love. ​ When these areas are addressed and brought to light, the whole entrepreneurial journey flows much more smoothly. You become a vibrational match for ideal clients. You feel safe to show up and share in your authentic power, and you own your worth as the shining light that you are. ​ There are stories and examples shared throughout the book from Tara's own experience as well as her clients; holistic wellness; inspirational guidance; plus many practical tools and prompts for each chakra to support and inspire you with your business as an empathpreneur.

Embodied Business - A guide to grounding and aligning your business chakras for empathpreneurs is available here (Amazon affiliate link) or anywhere you buy your books online.

Embodied – cover

Embodied - A self-care guide for sensitive souls

Following the death of her mother at a young age, Tara went through years of self-harming – eating disorders and addictions to alcohol, food and more, lots of self-loathing and spiralling in and out of depression. She always put on a brave face and tried to get through it. A few years ago something inside her clicked – she was sick and tired of being this way and doubly motivated by external events she HAD to change her life. So she did! Tara found new tools and ways to help her learn to love herself as a highly sensitive empath. She committed to herself every day, and life just keeps on getting better. It includes an honest, vulnerable and deeply personal account of Tara’s journey and what she went through. Then there is a comprehensive guide with 52 practical self-care tips, actions and inspiration, as well as real life examples of how she used these things to help her heal. These can be used like an oracle deck as needed for that little bit of extra self-care guidance, or however resonates with the reader.

Embodied - A self-care guide for sensitive souls is available here (Amazon affiliate link) or anywhere you buy your books online.

Embodied Wisdom

Embodied Wisdom - Oracle Cards

This 66-card deck brings you back into alignment with your entire being – spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. It includes images and messages from your soul star chakra down to your earth star chakra, including chakra dragons and their wisdom. ​ Each image is lovingly hand painted and is a colour activation and energy portal, a way to remind you of your truth, as well as heal and release anything that you no longer need to be carrying so that you can align more fully with who you are here to be. ​ To live a life of limitless courage, wild expression and deep magic. To embody your fullest self and remember that you are a co-creator in your life. As you align with your authentic power, unique wisdom and truth, you truly can create the life you desire.

Embodied Wisdom oracle deck is available here.