Imagine having access to a creative process that supports you to come up with products/offers/creations that are beyond anything the mind can conceive of, as you journey into the imaginal and beyond. I’ve been told it’s a bit like doing a hallucinogen without the side-effects ;-)!
You will connect to energies and ideas that you thought were only possible for others. Think of that flow state that Steve Jobs and Disney talked about. This is what we'll be connecting to. You likely won't want to 'do' business in any other way after this.
If this sounds good I invite you to join this six week Embodied Creation programme where I will deeply hold and guide you to lean into the creative energy of what you are truly here to bring through at this time in your business.
It might be an offer in your business, an artistic creation, a programme, a collaborative project, workshops, webinars, podcast or blog ideas, a book / e-book, any creation you can think of.
It may also be a way of being, or a quality you are being called to embody right now such as stepping into leadership, owning your power or becoming healthier. This is often a wonderful by-product of this magical process of co-creation as it invites you to become all you are.
In this six week journey I will guide you to connect with the energy and soul of what you are being called to bring through right now. You will deeply lean into this guidance and support, then begin to take the steps to bring it into the physical, in a way that is unique to you. You will do this by tuning into the energies of your business and specific offer alongside your higher self and your heart, aligning with this energy, and taking action from this place.
🌟 You will feel held, guided, supported and inspired to take action in a way that feels effortless and joyful.
🌟 You will bring through a creation that is unique to you and/or your business. You will also feel clarity around what it is and the action steps you need to take to bring it through into the physical. (It's the exact process I use for all of my creations, books and offerings - see more below).
🌟 You will align with the version of you who is ready to hold what you are bringing through - as you become more confident, grounded and supported by the guidance. You are also invited (encouraged even) to do inner work alongside as this supports you to connect on deeper levels.
🌟 The spaces I hold are deep, supportive and a sanctuary away from the noise of the ‘real-world’. They most often have been described as nourishing and a place to let go to deeply tune in to your inner wisdom.
Please see below for specifics of the 6 week journey. Please note you only need 1 hour a week for the live call (or to watch the recording), then approx 2-3 hours spread over each week to connect and deepen into the process. You also have lifetime access so can re-visit the content and go deeper at any time.
Who this programme is for
- You have a heart-centred or soul-led business, or you may work in a business and part of your job is to bring through ideas.
- You are looking for a deep, held, powerful space to prioritise your connection with your business and deepen into the energetics of this ongoing relationship.
- You are a sensitive soul who is connected to your intuition. You are in tune with energy and ready to deepen this connection.
- You may have lots of ideas but need some support grounding and following through to 'completion'.
- Alternatively you may find it hard to connect to ideas (or at least ones that excite you), but are looking for what *really* wants to come through, that is aligned with you, your business and audience.
- You desire to be ALL that you are – your fullest self – and bring this into the world (be it just by being YOU, or perhaps through your work).
- You are open to what this journey will bring up, and trust that whatever does come up is right for you.
- You are ready to align with what your heart and soul is calling in. The energy is buzzing, and you feel it calling you. It’s here for you to harness and co-create what is calling to come through you - NOW.
Some of the things that you will receive from this journey
- The specifics - including an outline and action steps for an offer or creation that wants to come through you, that feels deeply magical for you and your audience. You might even bring through the full creation/offer/programme on our journey together.
- Aligning with what you are *really* here to create and offer in your business.
- Bringing through visionary ideas for the New Earth. Ideas that fulfil a need and a purpose for the collective.
- Knowing and owning your power as a co-creator, able to tap into this limitless power to bring through inspired new creations and step into all you are becoming.
- Trusting yourself and the energies of what you are bringing through on a deeply embodied level.
- Working in ways that support YOU holistically, mind, body and soul.
- Feeling deeply connected to the energetics of your business and how this can support you moving forward on multiple levels.
- Embodying your truth in business (and life, as everything is connected).
A few practical things
Next live round start date is TBC.
All calls will also be recorded in case you can't make it live. All the content, tools, prompts and visualisations/journeys/activations to support you will be shared on Teachable for you to access.
You only need 1 hour a week for the live call (or to watch the recording), then approx 2-3 hours spread over each week to connect and deepen into the process. It will also support you to work from an inspired/aligned place so you likely will find that you spend your time more intentionally.
You also have access to the programme for as long as it is available (including future rounds), so can come back to any part at any time to support you with what you are co-creating.
We also have a private Facebook group for sharing and supporting one another.
Outline of the 6 week journey
All calls will include prompts and visualisations which will be recorded, and shared separately on Teachable so you can re-visit anything you need at any time. Each week will also include a PDF workbook with an overview on the session, additional tools as applicable, and prompts to dive deeper (if you choose to).
Please note that the overview below is a rough outline and may vary slightly as the programme is co-created with the group and energy, when it begins.
We will open the field for your creation, which feels like an energetic container that will hold you and what you are co-creating.
- We will strengthen this energetic container, inviting in the creative energy.
- We will tune into the self-care guidance and action you need to take to support you as a co-creator, so that you can begin to put this in place throughout the journey (and to support you beyond it).
Week Two - DEEPEN
You will connect to the future vision of what is coming through and then begin to ground its energy into the physical.
- You will begin to embody the version of you who has already created/aligned with your creation/s,
- You will deepen this connection through creative practices that appeal e.g. drawing, knitting, painting, sculpting, movement, creating in nature.
- You will start to feel what is coming through and open to ideas and inspiration coming from all places.
Week Three - RELEASE
I will hold and invite you to begin to gently let go of what isn't aligned with what wants to come through. This might include old identities, beliefs, stories of un-worthiness, imposter syndrome and even past life patterns. This will support you to become a vibrational match with your creation and who it is calling you to become.
Week Four - ACTION
You will embody your full power and deepen into what your creation is calling you to become.
- You will connect to what action steps you are being guided to take to bring through your creation into the physical, and you will then begin to do this.
This week we will connect to any specific guidance for how the creation wants to be shared with the people it is for, energetically and practically moving forward e.g. through marketing etc (if applicable).
- We will start to call in the people your creation is for on an energetic level, creating the containers and magnetising them in.
Week Six - GROUND
In this closing call we will hold and ground all that you are bringing through with your unique creation. You will feel confident, inspired and aligned, certain of your power to hold this energy moving forward, and continue your journey of co-creation
Full price £555. Early booking price will be available.
If you have any questions or want to feel into whether this programme is right for you please book in a call below or email me at tara@empathpreneurs.org.
** Please purchase mindfully as there are no refunds offered.**
Once you join you will be sent joining information and an invite to the group spaces on Facebook and Teachable.
There are some testimonials below, you can also see many more here.
Next start date is TBC
![Tara 7 – 23](https://empathpreneurs.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Tara-7-23-scaled.jpg#10280)
Your guide on this journey
Why work with me?
Creating is my passion and I KNOW we are all powerful creators! Co-creating with the energies that want to come through is something I fully lean into in all areas of my business and life. I am literally obsessed with creating/co-creating and absolutely love holding and supporting others to do the same - through the process I am sharing in this programme. The spaces I hold are powerful and alchemical and have a magical way of doing this!
My business Empathpreneurs® was created in this way, as the idea for it came in a download, after letting go of my first business and sitting in an intuitively-guided void for six months. This was just the beginning of my intentional co-creation journey and I immediately received the energy of my second book, Embodied Business which I then wrote in few weeks. Since that I’ve written another two in this way (Embodied Creation and Embodied Wealth – which also inspired this programme), and have a 5th – Embodied Money on the way. I have painted and written an oracle deck and have three signature offers in my business, as well as a number of workshops and mini courses I’ve run over the years through connecting with the energies and what wants to come through me.
As I've done this I have stepped into my role as a leader, let go of so many limiting beliefs and stories holding me back. I’ve remembered the creative power I embodied as a child and allowed that to re-integrate back into my life. I've re-aligned my life to support the person I have become through my creations. This has included moving countries, and calling in the love of my life. I’ve also shifted my relationship with my body from one of punishment and self-loathing to deep self-nourishment and self-love. I also live in nature amongst the trees, which is what my heart has desired for a long time. And that's only a few of the magical things that I have created/co-created.
Valentina D'Amico
Business Mentor and CEO & Founder of Pole Dance Italy
When I first discovered Tara I was in a very negative period in my job and life: I didn't like my business, I was tired, not motivated and with zero energy. I took a pause and I immediately discovered Tara and made a call with her. After that I popped into the Embodied Creation program, and I loved it! Thanks to the program I have discovered how I was blocking my creativity, and had many hints on how to change it. Visualizations with Tara are powerful, and her kindness and no judgement style is what you need when you feel stuck. Not even two month after the program I discovered a new potential path in my job that I wasn't even considering. I feel regenerated because I have found a way to use my skills plus spiritual tools to help other businesses.
Toni Giselle Stuart
Poet, performer & healer
Through 1-2-1 coaching, Tara held space for me to deeply connect with the energy of a new offer, and receive all the practical details for what that offer is, how to bring it into the world and what to charge for it. This offer makes use of my foremost skills (words and voice) in a way that feels grounded and heart-led. It also allows me to share my work, in a slow & meaningful way, to reach new audiences while taking a step back from social media. Tara holds space in a way that allows me to easily access the truth of who I am, and what is wanting to be created through me. This way of working, takes me out of my head and into my body. It is ease-filled, and spacious, and I am so grateful for it.
Karin Huber
Working with Tara has been life-changing for me. It has enabled me to truly and fully embrace a new way of being, doing and creating in my life. It allowed me to enter a space of not-knowing with my body as a guide in the void that opened up. What makes Tara's support so special and unique is her broad range of experience and expertise. This means that no matter what comes up in a session with her she is able to be there to support. We had deep intuitive sessions working on emotional blocks, magical sessions creating new offers, drafting action plans, as well as sessions where I could benefit immensely from her practical and technical knowledge of running a business. To have Tara as a guide by my side, holding space for me on this journey is something I am deeply grateful for.
Annabel Gerbi
I am deeply grateful for the space Tara has held for me over the past six months as much in my life has been ending and transforming. From our first session Tara met me with such warmth and attunement, containment and compassion, allowing me to soften and surrender to what this time has been asking of me. The combination of the 1-2-1’s and the group circle has provided gentle, deep, creative and inspired support to open to the wisdom that is here. Tara embodies what she guides us to and radiates the invitation to being our true selves. Thank you!
Anna Sansom
I loved Tara's Own Your Creative Power workshop so much. She holds such a beautiful and safe space to connect deeply with oneself, and gently guides the whole process. I was genuinely surprised at what creative ideas came through for me once I'd cleared away the 'shoulds' and the other assumptions I'd been holding onto. I felt enthused and inspired by the end of the workshop and can still feel into those spaces (weeks after the event) because I experienced them in such an embodied and soul-led way. Thank you, Tara!
Angel Ludwig
Organisational Design Consultant
Working with Tara has been transformational on every level. She models the adage, “as within, so without…” Providing gentle guidance to access my inner wisdom, asking thoughtful questions I would otherwise not consider which leads me to an expanded understanding of myself and my business. Tara’s ability to provide a safe space to consider new ways and access my deepest self has proven to be essential time and time again. In the last 18 months, I have increased my net worth, had numerous large opportunities, and felt increased capacity for success - all while enjoying life more than ever. The biggest difference I see in my life is my ability to trust my unique strengths and bring them to the world, both personally and professionally. Tara skillfully facilitates my ability to access, embrace and lead myself which is my secret sauce. If I had one thing to say to someone who was considering working with Tara, I would say: Run, don’t walk to Tara. Lean in and be amazed. Her technique is unique - you will find nothing like it out there - and it will change your life.