November 30, 2021Holding on to things that are no longer serving you
December 7, 2021Learning to trust myself was hard in the beginning for me as I had such low self-confidence and felt all over the place.
Also, in society we are literally told how to eat, what we like, what’s good for us, when we should be getting married, when we should have children, what job to do. We are literally programmed NOT to make our own decisions. Or at least not ones that go against the status quo.
I’ve always known inside that I didn’t want to do life the way everyone else was doing it, the way society dictated. But believing that it was okay, and that I wasn’t mad for wanting different things from what everyone else seemed to want, took some time.
As I gradually began to look for others who had followed their dreams, I saw more and more examples of how people had gone against the norm, trusted themselves and followed their intuition.
I began working with an amazing mentor who helped me with some fun tools to begin trusting myself. The first was the ‘yes’ ‘no’ game. Where I would ask my body to show me what a ‘yes’ was, then what a ‘no’ was. For me it felt like my body contracted for a no and felt spacious for a yes. I would then ask a simple yes or no answer question and pay attention to how my body felt. I began practicing with this and it was amazing. I got the answer, and when I acted on it things had a way of turning out in my favour. Every time.
This was so cool; it was like I had discovered a magic tool that had been there all the time. As I played with it, I actually started to ‘hear’ the answer to the question I was asking and began to ask questions like ‘Which bus should I take?’ – the answer came, and I’d get on that bus and have the smoothest bus journey with a seat! This, if you live in or have visited London, you’ll know is not generally the norm.
As I continued to do this, I strengthened this ‘trust muscle’, and now I feel the answer almost before I even ask the question!
Do you trust yourself? What can you do to strengthen this trust?
This blog post is a snippet from my book, Embodied.
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Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash.