Business Co-Creation
October 12, 2021You are worthy
October 19, 2021How do you feel about creativity and business? Is creativity something that you are able to connect to and use in your business? I know quite a few entrepreneurs who, particularly at the beginning of the entrepreneurial journey, didn’t believe that creativity is a part of having your own business.
I invite you to feel into this and whether you believe creativity and business can go together? What beliefs do you have around this?
Creativity is integral to the entrepreneurial path. It is the part of you that: comes up with new ideas; finds ways of sharing that work for you; tunes into the flow and magic of the Universe; and is linked to expression.
Blocks in creativity can come up in a number of ways, two of which are feeling creatively uninspired or fearing ridicule or shame for expressing yourself creatively.
As with many blocks, you might find a number of reasons why these come up for you. I will share some examples from my own experiences and generally from working with others.
What you are trying to do creatively may not be for you. It could be that what you are trying to do is not aligned with your purpose, so you are intuitively not connecting with it.
But something I have found that comes up again and again is a belief that you are not creative in any way, and as such fear expressing yourself creatively, due to being told something negative about your creativity earlier in life.
This often happens in childhood and may have been something like ‘failing’ an art project or getting a low grade in a more creative subject. Or perhaps you grew up with parents who didn’t put much appreciation onto the arts and more creative subjects, so you were never praised in these areas and stopped trying or thinking you were any good.
I have my own version of this from my art degree, which I failed the first time. From then on, I didn’t believe I was creative in any way. I didn’t think I could be creative ever again, so I placed all my attention into furthering my business skills and my more analytical and logical side. I wouldn’t dare to paint or even write for myself for years, and when I did write at work, I did it with so much trepidation.
Any form of creating was difficult for me for a long time. I looked to others to see how they used their creativity in their businesses as a way to inspire and guide me, whilst I completely dampened down any hints of my own creativity.
I eventually found my creative flow through other forms of creating, namely taking photos for my Instagram feed and doing lots of cooking. As I began to connect to the flow that comes from creating, I remembered that we are all creative beings. I was a creative being.
This helped me to unlock my creative flow and connect to my creative power in all the ways it wanted to come out. I began to write again: for myself, for my business, for others. I began to follow my own creative vision in my business. I even began to paint again using my art in some of my graphics.
- How can you support yourself to connect to your creative flow? You could think back to what creative activities you loved doing as a child, and use that to inspire you today.
- What beliefs or stories have you told yourself that are stopping you from connecting to your creative power?
This post is a snippet from my book, Embodied Business.
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Photo by Bernd Dittrich on Unsplash.