Developing a kind relationship with all parts of yourself.
September 7, 2021This Earth is also our mother
September 14, 2021Do you have any blocks to receiving that might be stopping you from bringing in financial abundance for your offerings?
This area can be linked to different beliefs and programming that might not even come from you in this lifetime. Blocks may be from a past life or ancestrally in your lineage and, if that resonates with you, you can find a short regression visualisation in the resources section to help you begin to uncover them.
As I shared in the previous story – ‘What stories are you telling yourself that might affect your capacity to receive?’ – I had lots of issues around receiving and felt that I didn’t deserve to have anything, or that by having I was taking away from others. There wasn’t enough for everyone. I had created a whole story around this from the upbringing I had as a more privileged person growing up in a country with extreme poverty.
When I began my business, I gave everything away for free, and continued to do so if someone showed any hesitation around paying for anything. It got to a point where people stopped buying from me. I even had friends say to me that they thought why would anyone buy from me, as I just gave it away anyway.
In addition to this:
I have connected to past lives where I have been killed for having money.
I had a very Catholic upbringing and felt a lot of guilt and shame around money.
When I was a child my primary caretaker stole from our family and was fired, which was devastating for me. Later in life I realised that, if I didn’t have any money, nobody could steal from me and I might not attract people who I cared about and then might lose.
As you can see with many of these things it can be layered and there can be a few reasons, so here are a few prompts to help you begin exploring how open you are to receiving.
- Who are you NOT to receive?
- Who are you serving by not charging what you are worth?
- How do you push money away?
- What else do you push away?
- How does it feel to charge what you are charging for your offerings?
- What would you say to someone you deeply admire who was offering and charging what you are?
- What do you notice here?
- How would it feel if you doubled your prices?
- What do you notice here?
- What do you feel might happen if you do become rich and receive more financial abundance? How will your life change?
- What do you feel you need to enable you to open up to receive more?
- What support can you get here?
- How does it feel to ask for help?
- When you receive help, how does it make you feel? Can you receive openly, or do you feel guilty or like you are expected to do something in return?
This blog post is an excerpt from my book, Embodied Business.
Take the next step
🔥 If you know you are looking for powerful 1-2-1 support, and are ready for this deep dive journey and commitment, book in a complimentary connection call with me here and let’s chat.
🌈 What’s your colour for this year? Download your free guide here to dive deeper into your colour using your birth date numerology.
🌀Download your complimentary regression visualisation here to get to the root of something that is coming up in your life right now.
🎁 There are a number of additional FREE resources and tools on this page.
Photo by Nikhil Koli on Unsplash.