The one decision I made that changed my life and my business
September 10, 2023The life changing power in being held as a sensitive leader
October 20, 2023Softening into your power as a sensitive, gentle leader
When it comes to business, the world has mostly taught us that we need to be consistent – ‘on’ even when it doesn’t feel right/good, loud or at least bold, compartmentalised (emotions must stay inside), and do what it takes to push on and get things done.
As a naturally more sensitive, gentle leader, this might have been possible, as you are so damn good at masking and adapting to fit the status quo, but it’s likely left you feeling deeply conflicted inside.
You know how to ‘turn it on’ and get things done, but your inner, cyclical nature is screaming that this ‘way’ is not right for you.
You have likely grown a layer of armour to shield you from the harshness of this way. On some days it’s all you have to hold you up and enable you to keep going. It might also feel like you have been carrying this armour for lifetimes and have almost forgotten how to take it off.
The softer, curious, more playful part of you has been hiding away since childhood when you learned that it wasn’t welcome any more. It can come out with friends, or maybe after a few drinks, but it gets tucked away when it comes to work.
Your tender, intuitive nature has been questioned or brushed aside, so even though you want to trust it you often find yourself also questioning this part as it often doesn’t guide you in ways that work for the world we live in.
But, this is your true power. All these parts that the world hasn’t welcomed or honoured are THE absolute gifts you carry as a leader. They are what will help everyone you are here to work with more than any strategy, plan or ‘how-to’ ever could.
When you come back into your heart… into your body… deeeep down into your sacral and your root, you embody your wholeness and literally melt away all the layers of conditioning, shoulds, have-to’s, ways that you have been taught.
When you quieten the outside world and drop into the softness of your being you remember your truth. In this space you can hold and heal the hurts, the stories and memories, the places still holding on. You can hear your deeply wise body as it guides you back into your true leadership power.
You remember that you are here to bring in a way that is cyclical, softer, more magical, playful, flowing and aligned. You feel how good this way is, and that you are here to embody your whole self in all areas of your life.
You re-connect to your unique essence, your life-force and sexual energy, which is pure creative potential. From this you can tap into more pleasure and passion, as you feel the sensuality of being in a body. A body that is designed to feel, and from this feeling it creates.
It’s a feeling… a knowing… a remembering that anything is possible and you are powerful beyond belief! Not because you have done something, or shown up in a certain way. It’s a power that comes from deep within, from receiving all of you. It’s the power of being you.
So, my invitation to you is to slow down and to soften, just a little bit more. 💗
If you would like to do this in a held space, where you can let go, stop having to hold it all, and let your body really recalibrate and re-align with this truth, then I invite you to join my ‘Embodied Business® Leaders’ space. It’s a space where you can say goodbye to your armour, and deepen into your body with monthly themes as an activation and invitation to explore how they fit and work for you. It is a portal into spaciousness, softening and holding, so that you truly can come back to yourself.
So that you remember your true power as a leader is when you are fully YOU.
Take the next step
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