Boundaries and saying ‘no’
March 23, 2022Passion
March 29, 2022Learning that every business has a field, and that every service and offering also has a field, was one of the most magical moments I have had in my business and one that continues to serve me on multiple levels.
Grounding yourself first, then setting the intention to tune into the individual field and surrender to it, is like connecting to the essence, guide, CEO and expert of that particular thing.
As you connect with it and get to know it, you feel the energy of the offer or business, you can receive guidance on what action steps to take, you can feel who the audience is, and you will be guided on when to rest and when to move forward. There are no limits to what you can ask about, ask for, and ask to receive, to support you to take the most aligned action.
It can help you when you are blocked or falling into patterns of over-doing and trying to force something to happen. Having this strong connection is such a reassurance for our minds and one of the biggest support systems I have ever received.
Some ways to help you regularly connect to your business, so that you can tap into that support when you need it are:
- Keeping your energy clear. This can include regular movement, letting the energy flow through you, and eating fresh foods.
- Grounding and connecting to the earth in ways that are accessible to you, so that you aren’t carrying excess or other’s energy.
- Spending time connecting to your intuition. Just like a muscle, this needs to be done regularly to build up that strength.
This blog post is a snippet from my book, Embodied Business.
Take the next step
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Photo by Mak on Unsplash.