A letter to empathpreneurs
March 25, 2021What it’s like being an empath entrepreneur
April 15, 2021Belonging is choosing yourself over and over again
One of my biggest fears is not ‘belonging’. Feeling like I don’t belong, not knowing where I belong, and fearing I will never belong.
I know this comes from being adopted, growing up as a brown person in a white family (apart from my brother and sister), and feeling different – looking different, not having role models that looked like me. Also as I became an adult I was often judged or stereotyped for being something I didn’t relate to whatsoever.
It also came from my privilege, feeling different to many – feeling the unfairness of being given more, without ‘doing’ anything (so I spent many years trying to get rid of it and put myself in situations of struggle – but that’s another story), so once again feeling like I didn’t ‘belong’ or fit in.
For many years I hid a lot of these feelings with drinking and eating, avoiding what was really going on. Drinking was also a way to bond and feel like I ‘fit in’ and connected with others.
Eventually I found a real connection with others in a women’s circle and felt like I finally truly belonged somewhere, with others like me; and since then I have found it in other programmes and entrepreneur spaces.
But, the real ‘belonging’ I discovered is actually this. Choosing myself over and over again. It’s fully claiming each and every part of my journey – my upbringing and story, because it’s mine. It’s choosing to be with my feelings and emotions. It’s choosing the life I want to live, because I desire it, not because of anyone or anything else. It’s choosing me, no matter what.
Why do I share all this? Because it came to me as a big money block recently. I feared never belonging, so pushed money away as it made me different from many. Feeling like I needed to ‘belong’ is such a big thing, that I subconsciously was pushing away the life I truly desire, to belong.
This realisation shifted so much for me, and I hope it might resonate if this also comes up for you.
Take the next step
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Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash