August 17, 2021Remembering that everything is happening for you
August 24, 2021Holding on to judgements is a huge area and can sneak into your actions and behaviours without you even noticing as it is such an ingrained part of our daily lives. Many of us have been forming judgements, which then lead to beliefs, for our own (or ultimately our ego’s) protection and survival for years. Think back to when you were a child and someone did something to you that was painful or not nice in some way. You would have formed a judgement about them, perhaps about others similar to them, and situations like that, so you could look out for it in the future, protect yourself, and to try and prevent it from happening again.
Here’s an example from a client who was just beginning her entrepreneurial journey as a virtual assistant. She had a couple of bosses who she just didn’t click with. It was as though everything and anything she did for them wasn’t up to their standards, she didn’t get enough done, she didn’t know enough, she wasn’t organised enough, she wasn’t fast enough.
Both of these experiences happened close to one another and occurred while she was working for charities. Even though what she experienced with these two bosses was in complete contrast to her experiences with some of the other people she had worked with (also within charities), who valued and appreciated her and her work, she formed a judgement about working with and for charities.
Needless to say, she developed a bit of fear around working for charities and wouldn’t approach them for months, even though that’s where her heart was. She also judged herself on some of their comments and took them on board about her standard of work. It took her a while to build up her confidence again.
Holding on to judgements does not serve you on the empathpreneurial journey (or in life, for that matter). They can stop you from continuing to show up. They can hold you back from expressing yourself. They can prevent you from reaching the people you are here to work with.
You need to be able to alchemise these judgements, so they become a part of your growth on the journey.
Yes, we are all going to have experiences in our lives where we feel like we are failing, feel like we aren’t good enough, or feel like we are wrong, but it’s up to us to see that these experiences are actually leading us in the direction we are meant to be in.
This was reaffirmed on my Colour Mirrors training: there is nothing to judge in life as every experience we have ever had has been FOR us. It has all helped us be who we are today. It has all served us in some way, even if it didn’t feel good. So, if it is all perfect, why would we judge any of it?
- Where are you holding on to judgements of yourself or others, and how can you see the lesson and gift in them, so they do not hold you back?
Take the next step
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Photo by Tyler Rutherford on Unsplash.