Forming a new relationship with money
January 19, 2022Comparing myself to others
January 26, 2022I think this one comes up more for empathpreneurs as we feel so much and our businesses can play such an integral part in our lives. Consequently, it is important to honour and acknowledge all of you for your business to be successful.
Some of the blocks that can come up in business are absolutely shadow parts too, and I have gone into some of these in more depth throughout the book. Now I want to talk about triggers that can come up in business and how they are often a clue to a shadow part of you. I will also share with you a really powerful method I use to help me (and clients) get to the bottom of shadow parts and transform them.
Some of the things that might trigger you in business are:
- Comparing yourself to others on social media
- Other people’s pricing
- How other people show up – for example on their website, in videos, in their marketing
- People demanding too much of your time
- People not wanting to pay for anything
Some of this can be about the ego, not feeling like you are doing enough, wanting to be further ahead, and comparing your stage in business to someone else who may have been in business a lot longer. As well as these, there can often be underlying shadow parts too, which ultimately are all a reflection of something going on inside of you at a deeper level.
When triggers come up for me, I take the time to go into them and to see what part of me they are bringing to my attention, so that I can bring the light onto it to support and look after myself.
An example I will use to illustrate this, which has come up again and again, is being triggered by what others are sharing and a feeling that what I am sharing is not good enough. Each time it comes up I ask myself if it is about my ego, and it can be in part or in full. If it isn’t fully, I begin to dive into it, asking myself these questions:
‘What am I feeling beneath the trigger?’ This can often be things like not-enough, lack, frustration, jealousy, competition, is it all worth it, loneliness, emptiness, disconnection, fear of abandonment or rejection.
Then I ask myself ‘What is the emotion I am feeling beneath that?’ Things that can often come up here are fear, despair, sadness, and anger.
I then dive deeper into these emotions, feeling each of them individually in my body: sitting with them; acknowledging them; noticing the colour, size and shape; really being with them and holding the space for them. I then start to ask them more questions. Some of the things I ask are:
- What is going on for you right now?
- When is the first time you felt like this? What was going on then?
- What do you need right now?
- What will support you?
- Are there any practical steps you can take?
- Is there anything blocking you from releasing?
I trust and allow what comes up, sometimes journaling on the responses, and then give myself what I need.
It is often easier to be held through these times, so please do reach out if you need support. You can check out my resources page at the end or get in touch with someone you trust.
Once the shadow parts are brought to the light they can be alchemised into your greatest gifts and shift your entire vibration, but you have to be brave enough to go into them.
Some of the gifts I have received from going into my shadow parts have been strength, courage, more flow and connection to my intuition, being unattached to what others think of me, deeper self-love and self-acceptance.
This blog post is an excerpt from my book, Embodied Business.
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Photo by Barbara Kosulin on Unsplash.