Embodied Creation is here
May 14, 20225 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Take Care of Themselves
December 7, 2022How I work in my business
A few people have recently asked me how I work in my business. How I manage my time; do I have any tools that support me; and how I get everything done in my business. So I thought I’d share a little on how I do this, more than anything to show that how we each work is unique and it’s about finding what works for YOU and YOUR needs.
Quite simply, I don’t do things in a particular way. When it comes to actual planning I’ve only just started using a daily planner again (the last two years have been a combination of daily calendar reminders that pop up and often get snoozed until the last minute I have to do something, and a word doc saved on my desktop, with an ongoing list of things to do, which I delete and add to as I go). I’m not into all the techy to-do lists and planners, I find they detract from doing the actual thing and become something I have ‘to do’, but that may also be because I am a solopreneur with help from freelancers, so I don’t need those sorts of systems and tools right now.
I’ve had a real aversion to doing things consistently, as it brought up sheer boredom from past working life experiences, and the thought of having to show up and be present if I didn’t feel like it literally made my stomach flip. So I’ve found a way to be consistent that feels good to me, and that is leaning into the rhythm of my menstrual cycle. This means there isn’t a fixed schedule, there’s more of a lunar rhythm, and I allow for spaciousness around what I am doing. Sure there will be times when I have to schedule in things and plan in advance – particularly if others are involved. But I try to support myself around this as best as possible.
This looks like having only a few days (often I keep Mondays and Fridays for me) open in my calendar for people to book in sessions, other calls, for podcast interviews, group calls etc. I will put things back, rather than being always available and filling up my days.
I need time to create – this includes content for my Embodied Business group and my social media and marketing right now (in the past it has been for writing my books and creating my oracle deck). I love to tune in and connect to the soul of my offers and business to co-create with them, and that always needs space and allowing.
The only things I do daily, which are my non-negotiables, are my inner work and self-care. I find these two things to be the most important when it comes to my business (and life!), taking it where I want to go, for showing up and being more visible, and allowing it to be on my terms.
Often this looks like basic self-care, eating lots of vegetables and fruits. Getting enough sleep, napping if I need to. Moving my body – this is absolutely key for getting the energy flowing and for my mental health (which has been fluctuating at the time of writing, particularly as I am in the UK and am massively affected by the light). Connecting to my body and grounding deeply so I feel held and supported. Journaling and visualisations are also my go-to for clearing blocks and beliefs rising, and holding myself through it all.
As I support myself with the inner work and self-care, I find that the aligned action comes so much more easily, and I just do things, and show up in ways that I need and want to in and for my business. I find I’m not working all the time, and that the conditioning around feeling I need to be, is definitely getting less and less. There is more trust and faith, and I love and accept all parts of myself even more. There’s a deep knowing that comes from within.
I know I (and likely you, if you are reading this) am here to create and live in a new way. A way that honours seasons and cycles of action and of rest (like in nature). A way that honours your sensitivity, your body and its needs. It’s a way that often means going much slower than we have learned to, but being more than okay with that. Knowing aligned action will come, and we have to support ourselves through it, to show up in the ways that are called of us.
As we break free from systems and ways that aren’t aligned, and have us living in fear and scarcity, we need to lead this way. This is a way that is regenerative, that allows us to truly support our entire selves and then give to others from a place of fullness, which benefits the whole.
I deeply get that this way is the road less travelled. Survival is one of our number one needs, and if we don’t feel safe, or can’t put food on the table or have a roof over our head etc, then the fear rises and we revert to ways that often feel frantic, pushing, forcing and lead to burn out and other health conditions – mind, body and soul.
As we dance the space between these two ways and worlds, it’s not always going to be easy. In fact it can feel bloody hard and frustrating at times. Believe you me I have had many moments in tears wondering if it’s all worth it, and I don’t doubt that there will be more.
But there’s something inside of me that keeps on going. That wakes up every morning and says I have to keep on showing up in this way, I have to be true to what I share, speak and write about. There’s a part that knows this is what I came here for. To be a bridge between the worlds, to show others what’s possible.
So, to circle around to why I started writing this piece, I invite you to trust YOU. To listen in deeply to what your needs are and what you want to create in your business. What do you want it to look like? How do you want it to feel? Let this be the foundation for how you work in your business.
Take the next step
🔥 If you know you are looking for powerful 1-2-1 support, and are ready for this deep dive journey and commitment, book in a complimentary connection call with me here and let’s chat.
🌈 What’s your colour for this year? Download your free guide here to dive deeper into your colour using your birth date numerology.
🌀Download your complimentary regression visualisation here to get to the root of something that is coming up in your life right now.
🎁 There are a number of additional FREE resources and tools on this page.
Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash