What do you fear losing when it comes to receiving what you desire?
July 4, 2021Stop apologising
July 5, 2021Feeling the fear in your belly
Often in business there will be things, especially in the early days, that you have to do but that aren’t in your zone of genius, or that bring up fears in you, which you feel particularly in the belly or solar plexus area.
I have had clients who absolutely detest doing the administrative side of things, for example, keeping track of expenses. I had a client who had so much fear around being on social media for her business and resisted it so much. I had one who hated sending out newsletters and would spend days perfecting and tweaking them before finally hitting that ‘send’ button.
All of these things are helpful, if not essential, to an online business and there are ways to help yourself if you feel the fear about any area.
I recommend getting support with the area that brings up fear, or that your dislike, as soon as possible. Even if it is only a tiny amount to begin with, it will help you to move through that area and feel supported, which is an added bonus.
You could also re-frame the activity so that you connect to the reason why you are doing what you are doing (which links back to your purpose). For example, you could be doing the financial side of your business to connect you with your numbers and help you grow your business. You could see social media as a way to be creative and have meaningful conversations with aligned people and potential clients.
Find your way of doing things and do them that way. This could be working and scheduling tasks in accordance with the moon cycle. Or it could be taking yourself offline for a day and batching content for blogs.
Another thing you can do is reward yourself for small achievements and for doing the things which are harder for you. A dear empathpreneur friend of mine sets a 20-minute timer for doing the things she doesn’t enjoy so much, does the activity in 20-minute blocks of time, and regularly celebrates how far she has got.
Take the next step
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Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash.