What if being fully YOU is key to having a business you desire?
April 26, 2024Embodied Creation in business
June 16, 2024This month in my Embodied Business Leaders space we are moving into the theme of Dreams. Last month was Roots.
At the beginning of the month I share the Colour Mirrors numerology of the theme (which is a way to look at the numerology of the word through the lens of colour) and Roots and Dreams have the same numbers. It’s not a surprise, as of course we need to root our dreams into the physical for them to be real.
It’s the rooting part that requires the most from us, as otherwise the dream would remain just that – a dream…
It’s taking any action required to show up for your dream. Devoting yourself to doing what it takes for this.
Looking after yourself as a co-creator, to bring it into the physical.
It’s believing you can have it/receive it.
Clearing any ‘blocks’, resistance or fear that says you can’t have it/create it.
Aligning with the version of you that is here for it.
Choosing it with every cell of your being.
This is the work.
Some prompts to connect to this
· What one dream do you have right now?
· What roots can you grow or deepen to support you to bring it into the physical? What do you need to do daily/weekly/monthly?
· Who is the version of you that already is living this dream? How do they show up? What do they do that you don’t do?
· What would it take for you to have this dream right now, in your physical reality?
Happy dreaming and rooting/grounding your dreams.
If you are looking for 1-2-1 support to co-create / manifest a dream you are bringing through right now, whether it’s something in your business or even your personal life, book in a call here and let’s chat. Creating is my passion and expertise, and I’d love to hold and support you to bring what you desire into the physical.
Take the next step
🌈 What’s your colour for this year? Download your free guide here to dive deeper into your colour using your birth date numerology.
🌀Download your complimentary regression visualisation here to get to the root of something that is coming up in your life right now.
🎁 There are a number of additional FREE resources and tools on this page.
Photo by Andreas Wagner on Unsplash